Abraham: The founder of the Hebrew nation


The founder of the Hebrew nation and its first patriarch. With his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot he migrated from. Ur of Chaldees into the Land of Canaan, where he settled and prospered. To test his faith Jehovah commanded him to offer up his son Isaac as a burnt offering, but when he was about to draw the knife, a ram was provided instead.

The story of Abraham is told in Gen. xii-xiii and in various Mohammedan legends, which relate that at the age of fifteen months Abraham was equal in size to a lad of fifteen, and was so wise that his father introduced him to the court of King Nimrod; that Abraham and his son "Ismail" rebuilt for the fourth time the Kaaba over the sacred stone at Mecca; and that Abraham destroyed the idols manufactured and worshiped by his father, Terah. See also Sarai, Hagar, Isaac, Sodom and Gomorrah.

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